Grass roots organizer at door. [If you're going to show up on the porch, canvassing the neighborhood for donations to help wildlife, I think a badge and a clipboard are in order so that we know you're official.] [photo]
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I hope you made a donation. It’s tough out there, you know. And his feet look pretty cold.
I’d be very leery of any possum that came out in the city in daylight. That animal is either very desperate or very sick (or both). Think rabies. Stay away.
Re: [2] “That animal is either very desperate or very sick (or both). Think rabies. Stay away.”
That’s a good point. In my checkered past is a brief stint working cruelty/rescue at the Humane Society. I learned that possums, skunks, and other nocturnal critters, are very likely ill if you see them out in the middle of the day. Rabies is pretty rare — distemper is more likely. But the advice “stay way” is sound.
I have a story about accuracy/distance as related to skunks, even one that is sick, and the importance of eyewear in the animal rescue business. In summary form: very precise; 10 feet; prevents stink eye but not other kinds of stink.
This fella has a unique perspective on betting sprayed: [link]
I have some differing information about opossums. They do not hibernate, and apparently, in the winter they are become so desperate for nourishment that they do come out during the day to forage, whereas in the warmer months they are usually nocturnal wanderers. [link]
They also don’t get rabies, or very, very rarely if they do.