Wildlife have emerged from their storm sewer homes…to head to the polls? [photo]
Stories indexed with the term ‘urban wildlife’
Kuehnle & Sequoia
Lock up your chickens – while gazing out the kitchen window this morning about 7 a.m. with a cup of coffee in hand, I watched a coyote trot through my backyard and nimbly search for breakfast in the woodpile.
Plymouth & Huron Parkway (NCRC)
North Campus Research Complex: After a year’s absence, the NCRC Guard Goose couple is back on their favorite nest, near the entrance to Building 550. [photo]
Anderson Ct. & Anderson Ave.
Storm drain. Distinct gentle rhythmic snoring from within. Raccoon staying warm.
West Park
At the West Park pond, a friendly and observant person pointed out the small baby/juvenile muskrat.
Fifth St. & Jefferson
This Eastern Screech Owl has been a frequent presence in the trees on the 500 block of Fifth Street this spring, even in broad daylight. [photo]
Grass roots organizer at door. [If you're going to show up on the porch, canvassing the neighborhood for donations to help wildlife, I think a badge and a clipboard are in order so that we know you're official.] [photo]