Archive for June, 2012

Land Rezoned for Bryant Community Center

The Ann Arbor planning commission has unanimously recommended rezoning a 0.2-acre site at 5 W. Eden Court from R1C (single-family dwelling) to PL (public land). The vote came at the commission’s June 5, 2012 meeting.

This land was recently purchased for $82,500 using funds from the city’s open space and parkland preservation millage – a purchase approved by the Ann Arbor city council at its Sept. 6, 2011 meeting. It’s located next to the city’s Bryant Community Center.

The recommendation will be forwarded to the city council for its consideration.

This brief was filed from the second-floor council chambers of city hall at 301 E. Huron, where planning commission meetings are held. A more detailed report will follow: [link]

Planning Group OKs Sustainability Goals

A set of 16 sustainability goals could be incorporated into the city’s master plan, if the Ann Arbor city council follows a recommendation made unanimously by the planning commission at its June 5, 2012 meeting.

The commission voted to recommend sustainability goals in four categories: resource management; land use and access; climate and energy; and community. The goals were culled from more than 200 already found in existing city planning documents, as part of a project that began in early 2011. It’s been funded by the Home Depot Foundation grant. [.pdf of sustainability goals]

This work by city staff was initially guided by volunteers who serve on four city advisory commissions: park, planning, energy and environmental. Members from those groups met at … [Full Story]

Rezoning Approved for Bluffs Expansion

At its June 5, 2012 meeting, the Ann Arbor planning commission recommended rezoning two parcels that were recently acquired for expansion of the Bluffs Nature Area at 1099 N. Main St., north of Sunset Road.

A 1.12-acre parcel to the north of the Bluffs – connecting the existing parkland to Huron View Boulevard – is currently zoned O (office), and had been donated to the city by a nursing home near that site. A 0.57-acre addition to the south connects the existing parkland to Sunset Road and is currently zoned R4C (multiple-family dwelling). It had been purchased by the city from the Elks lodge, using funds from the open space and parkland preservation millage. Both parcels are recommended to be rezoned as PL … [Full Story]

Speedway Gas Station Site Plan Postponed

Following a planning staff recommendation, the site plan for a Speedway gas station was postponed by the Ann Arbor planning commission at its June 5, 2012 meeting. The project is located at the 1.39-acre site on the northeast corner of Miller and North Maple roads. Also postponed was a request to rezone a portion of the site at 1300 North Maple from PL (public land) to C3 (fringe commercial).

The plan calls for demolishing an existing 1,500-square-foot vacant service station building and constructing a new 3,968-square-foot, single-story gas station and convenience store with five pumps. The gasoline pumps will be covered by a 28-foot by 121-foot canopy. Fourteen parking spaces will be provided next to the convenience store, and six bicycle … [Full Story]

DTE Buckler Station Gets Planning OK

Following a previous postponement by the Ann Arbor planning commission, the site plan for a new DTE Buckler electrical substation at 984 Broadway near Canal Street got the go-ahead from commissioners at their June 5, 2012 meeting.

Commissioner Erica Briggs made a motion to postpone again, but it died for lack of a second. Briggs had not attended the commission’s May 15, 2012 meeting when this proposal was first discussed, and she expressed concern that the commission had not undertaken a broader conversation about the community’s energy needs. It was a rare opportunity for that, she noted, given that projects like this don’t occur frequently. She used an analogy to transportation – if a proposal came in to widen all the roads … [Full Story]

On Third Try, Maple Cove Project OK’d

At its June 5, 2012 meeting, the Ann Arbor planning commission recommended approval of a site plan for the Maple Cove Apartments & Village development. The project is located on 2.96 acres at 1649 N. Maple, north of Miller Road between North Maple and Calvin Street on the city’s west side.

The plan calls for combining two sites – 1649 N. Maple and 1718 Calvin – and demolishing an existing single-family home and detached garages there. Two 3-story apartment buildings would be built with a 64-space parking lot and eight bike spaces. The project also includes building a private street to serve seven new single-family houses near Calvin Street, but with an entrance off of North Maple. The apartment complex would … [Full Story]

Huron & Fifth

A barefooted Jim Fackert is sitting by the Dreiseitl sculpture/fountain in front of city hall. The water is turned off, and he’s working on the wiring. “Lots of little pieces,” he says.

7th & Washington

Running over the pedestrian sign hasn’t gone out of style. It’s flattened with pieces of bumper nearby.

Ann Arbor Rail Study Moves Ahead

At its June 4, 2012 meeting, the Ann Arbor city council took action on two items that relate to a possible new train station for the city of Ann Arbor. The first was acceptance of a grant made through the Michigan Dept. of Transportation (MDOT)  for initial planning and environmental documentation related to possible construction of what’s now called the Ann Arbor Rail Passenger Station. The contract for the work is being funded with a federal grant worth $2,806,400 with a required 20% local match of $701,600. The grant was awarded by the Federal Rail Administration in connection with the High-Speed Intercity Passenger Rail (HSIPR) program.

A conceptual pre-cursor to the project was called the Fuller Road Station, which included the participation of the … [Full Story]

Street Closings Approved for Sonic Lunch

At its June 4, 2012 meeting, the Ann Arbor city council authorized a street closure in connection with two dates for Sonic Lunch – a summer music series held on Thursdays in Liberty Plaza at Liberty and Division streets, organized by the Bank of Ann Arbor. The street closure is for the block of Liberty Street between Fifth and Division on June 21, 2012 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and July 26, 2012 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Those dates coincide with the appearances of Mitch Ryder (June 21) and Mayer Hawthorne & The County (July 26), who are expected to draw large crowds.

This brief was filed from the city council’s chambers on the second … [Full Story]

Ann Arbor Council Re-OKs Transit Docs

At its June 4, 2012 meeting, the Ann Arbor city council reconsidered and ratified an agreement among four parties on a framework for possible transition of the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority to a broader geographic service area, governance, and funding base.

The four parties to the agreement are the city of Ann Arbor, the city of Ypsilanti, Washtenaw County and the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority.  In conjunction with the reconsideration of the four-party agreement, the council also approved articles of incorporation for the new Act 196 transit authority that would eventually need to be filed by Washtenaw County – on request from the AATA – in order to establish a new governance structure. According to the four-party agreement, even if a … [Full Story]

School Board to Use Savings to Bridge Deficit

Ann Arbor Public Schools board of education regular meeting (May 23, 2012): The majority of AAPS trustees have agreed to spend down roughly $7 million in fund equity to meet projected expenditures for fiscal year 2012-13, beginning July 1, 2012. That decision came after suggestions by trustees Glenn Nelson and Christine Stead to restructure Roberto Clemente Student Development Center and to fully eliminate transportation, respectively, again went nowhere. The May 23 meeting included much discussion about the effect that spending down fund equity this year could have on the district’s ability to weather another projected deficit of $14 million to $18 million in FY 2013-14.

The board is expected to vote on the FY 2012-13 budget at its June 13 meeting.

In addition to the budget discussion, trustees moved quickly through a number of other items of business at the May 23 meeting: (1) directing administration to create a transportation committee; (2) approving the sale of tech bonds; (3) supporting the Washtenaw Intermediate School District budget with some suggested reporting improvements; (4) the approval of two property easements with the city of Ann Arbor; and (5) the approval of a number of policies, including an anti-bullying policy as newly mandated by state law.

Trustees also heard from 20 people, most of them speaking during general public commentary in support of the Roberto Clemente Student Development Center, which had originally been proposed to be closed or restructured as part of the budget. Many thanked the board for taking Clemente “off the chopping block” for this coming year, but expressed concerns about the board’s process, the district-wide achievement gap faced by African-American students, and the board’s “lack of respect” for Clemente students.   [Full Story]

Dean Tree Fund Committee Changed

At its June 4, 2012 meeting, the Ann Arbor city council voted officially to eliminate the city council appointee to the Elizabeth Dean Tree Fund committee. The committee was established in 1975 to oversee the use of the investment earnings from a nearly $2 million bequest made to the city by Elizabeth Dean. According to a Nov. 10, 1974 Ann Arbor News article, the bequest was made in the early 1960s to “repair, maintain and replace trees on city property.” The principal amount remains intact.

The formal elimination of the city council committee member leaves the committee with seven voting members and one non-voting member – the city’s urban forestry & natural resources planning coordinator. The city’s description of the committee indicates … [Full Story]

Ann Arbor Council OKs Water Rates

At its June 4, 2012 meeting, the Ann Arbor city council gave final approval to increased rates for drinking water, sanitary sewer and stormwater utilities. According to a staff memo, the impact of the increases on an average single-family customer comes to 3.21% across three different rate increases – assuming the same level of consumption as last year. That 3.21% increase works out to $19.40 per year.

By way of illustration of the rates, the drinking water rate for the vast majority of residential customers is tiered, based on usage. For the first 7 “units” of water, the charge is proposed to increase from $1.27 to $1.31. For the next 21 units, the charge is proposed to increase from $2.64 to $2.74 per unit. … [Full Story]

Council: City Responsible for Sidewalks

At its June 4, 2012 meeting, the Ann Arbor city council gave final approval to a revision to the city’s sidewalk repair ordinance – in light of the voter-approved sidewalk repair millage, which passed in November of 2011. The basic idea is that for the period of the authorized millage – through fiscal year 2016 (which ends June 30, 2017) property owners will not be responsible for repairs to sidewalks abutting the property on which they pay taxes.

There are various wrinkles and contingencies in the revised ordinance for properties located within the Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority tax increment finance (TIF) district. The ordinance change provides for the possibility that the city and the DDA will come to an accord under … [Full Story]

West Park

What appears to be a muskrat trims vegetation in the West Park pond and drags it while swimming under the boardwalk to a spot out of sight. [photo] It’s hard to see in these photos, but he’s hanging out in the pond nibbling water plants. [photo]

Brooks & Robin

Heavy equipment blocking one full lane of Brooks (for more than one full house frontage) makes coming up the blind hill interesting, given that it is a bus route. No flagmen on duty.

N. Main & Summit

Vehicle resembling old steam engine driving south on Main. Sign on side reads “North Pole Polar Express.” Christmas in June?

W. Liberty Street

Cast iron drain covers and grates pulled and set along the curb on Liberty. Made by the East Jordon Iron Works. One sports a cast fish (maybe a lake trout) and the words, “Dump No Waste.” East Jordon Iron Works now calling itself EJ has been in business since 1883 in Oak Park, Mich. I could not find a date on the pieces I looked at, but I did take a nice rubbing of the fish.

W. Liberty & Fifth

A city crew is cutting down one of the large trees in the easement on the north side of West Liberty. Started with the high branches [photo] and about two hours later just the trunk remained. [photo]

Liberty & Main

Three men standing on ledge removing large sign for the Parthenon Restaurant; cocktails sign already down.

Main & Huron

Maya Stein, the “Type Rider,” is stationed in front of Crazy Wisdom with her Remington manual typewriter and bike trailer. [photo] Today’s prompt is “It still amazes me…” [photo] It amazes me that she’s on this cross-country cycling/writing trek. A man and his daughter stopped by – the girl had never seen a typewriter before. [photo] Maya will be interviewed by Lucy Ann Lance on Monday morning before heading off to her next stop in Jackson.

Council Takes Medical Marijuana Off Agenda

Now removed from the Ann Arbor city council’s June 4, 2012 agenda is an item regarding a change in the city’s zoning regulations that relate to medical marijuana dispensaries and cultivation facilities.

The ordinance change that the council would have considered would have eliminated from the zoning ordinance one sentence: “Medical marijuana dispensaries and medical marijuana cultivation facilities shall be operated in compliance with the MMMA (Michigan Medical Marijuana Act).” [.pdf of the recommended zoning ordinance change.

The recommendation for the change in the ordinance language had originally come from the city's medical marijuana licensing board. At its April 2, 2012 meeting, the city council then directed the city planning commission to consider the licensing board's recommendation. The planning commission then reviewed and considered the recommendation ... [Full Story]

Aprill Drive & Jackson Road

Standard Midwestern weather-talk pleasantries with guy on  bicycle who whose racing bib number indicated participation in the Dexter-Ann Arbor run this morning.

Main Street

Newly opened store: Rock/Paper/Scissors. Attracting many browsers who then leave with bags of purchases.