UM: Football

On MVictors, Greg posts a recent interview he conducted with UM quarterback Nick Sheridan. A sampling: MVictors: …Everyone’s seen the photos on the internet of Matt Leinart and Michael Phelps at parties. What do the coaches tell you about Facebook, Twitter and the perils of getting caught in a bad situation? Sheridan: It’s not a constant reminder about what you should do, but since I’ve been here coach Carr and coach Rodriguez have had people come in and talk to us about it.  I think the university had a Facebook seminar for athletes a year or two ago, we were supposed to go there when we were freshman just to warn you it’s out there. It’s different and you are aware of it. If you go to a party, and people are doing things as an athlete you don’t do, or you don’t want to be associated with, you’ve got to be careful. My mom freaks out about it. [laughs] [Source]