Plastic ziplock bags originally dropped next to each trashcan, with a flyer asking for donated used books. Bags, which also contain two small stones, are now strewn along the sidewalks. [Photo]
Washington, west of Third
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They’re strewn all over our neighborhood as well.
I wish him luck, but even if you’re getting your inventory for free, bookselling can still be a tough way to generate income.
If you have any used books, just take them to the Friends of the Library sale. They raise money for special programs at the Ann Arbor District Library. Just go to the back door in the parking lot off William St. and ring the bell. If you want a tax deductible receipt, they will give you one.
These appeared in my neighborhood earlier this week (probably Monday, since that’s trash day). I didn’t realize that they were deliberately dropped on the sidewalk — I thought that they had blown from porches or something. I’m sorry — littering is not the way to get my buy-in.