Column: Why They Call It Grand
No matter how you prepare for life’s big events, you never know how you’ll feel til you’re in the moment, often seeped in disbelief that the anticipated is actually happening.
And so it was when my first child was about to give birth to her first child. As Christie rested between contractions, her doctor looked up at me with a smile and asked: “Are you a first-time grandparent?”
What tipped her off? The fact that I was standing behind Christie’s head with a camera, sobbing?
Moments later – at 10 p.m. on 5-5-10 – a gooey little alienesque creature burst onto the scene amidst our cheers, tears, and one big sigh of relief from her mother.
People had told me that grandparenting is indescribably delicious, and now I know for myself why they call it grand. [Full Story]