AADL to Seek Legal Counsel on Parking Deal

The board of the Ann Arbor District Library passed a resolution at its Nov. 15, 2010 meeting directing AADL director Josie Parker, in conjunction with the board’s treasurer and finance committee, to consult with legal counsel about the city of Ann Arbor-Downtown Development Authority parking agreement, and to seek a legal opinion about how funds are being allocated that would otherwise be coming to the library.

At issue is the potential for tax increment financing funds captured by the DDA from public entities, including the AADL, to be used to offset a parking fund deficit caused by striking a new parking deal with the city. Noting that she has been aware of this issue, Parker cited a Nov. 15 column by Chronicle editor Dave Askins in discussing the topic with board members.

This brief was filed soon after the library board’s meeting adjourned. A more detailed report will follow: [link]